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- Tiger Eyes & Reading Interlocking Crochet Charts
Tiger Eyes & Reading Interlocking Crochet Charts
There has been a lot of discussion recently about how to get a pop of color on the eyes in Brotzell Tiger King. One of the things that draws me to interlocking and mosaic crochet is the ability to create an image without making any fancy color changes! But I do love those blankets showing the cool eyes, so it is on my list to create an in-depth tutorial!
Changing Colors with Mosaic Crochet
It is relatively simple to do with the overlay mosaic crochet version. You can find more info on the mosaic details in this thread: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ashleebrotzelldesigns/posts/845912889801610/
Changing Colors with Interlocking Crochet
For interlocking crochet, it gets more complicated.
The complicated bit of changing colors when using interlocking crochet is that our double crochet stitch covers 3 squares on the chart (the top half of the bottom square, the square above that, and then the bottom half of the square above that) and we are only ever reading the middle square (but using the opposite color yarn and deciding whether to hide or show that bit).
For now, all I can offer you is an updated chart (hopefully it’s a bit easier to see the row/column numbers, plus the page numbers print visibly now) and a new chart-reading explanation.
~ Interlocking Single-Page Chart ~
Please note, the single-page chart is formatted as A3 (but it’s purpose is for viewing on a screen so the page type shouldn’t be a problem).
The eyes use the Accent Color yarn. Your Main Color yarn, which is black on this chart, won’t be changing.
On this new 15-page chart, the eyes are on pages 4 and 5.
The right eye is on page 5 and gets colored from row 194-202, columns 84-94.
The left eye is on pages 4 and 5. It gets colored from row 192-200, columns 150-160.
Normally, showing charts is not allowed. But this is MY chart so I’m allowed to. Plus, I highly doubt anyone is going to use this blurry mini-chart excerpt to cheat me. I just want to show you the highlighted eyes.
Chart Reading for Interlocking Crochet
It’s a tough skill – reading an interlocking crochet chart.
Here’s my newly updated instruction page:
This chart explanation works hand-in-hand with the key included in my patterns.
In Summary
I know this isn’t a lot of help.
I hope it’s at least a little help.
I’ll work as fast as I can on all these other things to get to this color-changing tutorial as quick as possible!
©? 2023 Ashlee Brotzell.All rights reserved. This publication is protected under federal copyright laws. Reproduction or distribution, in whole or in part, in any medium, is strictly prohibited.What does this mean?This is an original pattern by Ashlee Brotzell. You may not copy, reproduce, sell, or share any part of it whether for profit or not. This includes, but is not limited to, the written pattern, the chart, and the photos. No translations or video tutorials are allowed.Sales of your finished items are, of course, unrestricted (and I wish you all the best!). I appreciate credit given to the designer when possible but it is not a requirement. You may tag me @AshleesLint or direct people to my website www.ashleeslint.com