Proper Garden Link

Sorry to send you another email so quick!

Crochet, "Ashlee Brotzell Designs", headshot


The garden link in my email from yesterday wasn’t supposed to be a trick!

This time if you click this image it should take you to my personal FB post.

Sunflower Cottage Crochet

I had the link to Sunflower Cottage Crochet’s announcement because I wanted to point it out but I forgot. And then when I pasted the link into my garden photo all my brain saw was the beginning ‘facebook’ part.

I participated in their preemie crochet challenge a few years ago. They constantly have these really cool events so you should check them out. Not a sponsored post or anything, it was just something I wanted to share with you all.

Preemie Love Blanket” is one of my favorites (it’s included in my Favorites Bundle and is currently 25% off).

My participation from years ago was “Preemie Love Blanket”

Have a great day!

It’s warm and sunny here so I’m going to go dig up another section of overgrown weeds and turn it into flowers/food.

Love and hugs,
